//Configure Variables
//Enter here the Email address to which you want to direct all the mails
$recepient = "comesono@libero.it";
//Enter subject of the email to you e.g. feedback from site etc.
$subject = "Mac link da Digitalino";
//Enter header with any additional information you may want to be sent with the form
$mailheader = "Mac link da Digitalino";
//Insert the directory for the Form processor relative to directory where this form is located.
//For this example the processor is in the same directory as the Form.
$processdir = "";
//Message to be displayed on the senders screen after the sender's name if the Form is sent successfully.
$sent = "Grazie per la tua collaborazione.";
//Message to be displayed on the senders screen after the sender's name if the attempt to send the form fails.
$failed = "Sorry! Your message could not be sent. Please try again later. If the problem persists please contact us by Email.";
//#################DO NOT CHANGE FROM HERE###############
$formprocessor = $processdir . "processform.php";
// Sets up hidden fields for form and opens the form tag
echo "